Real Estate

Autumn 2019 Market Update

The real estate market in Virginia's Piedmont is quite seasonal, and the 'big' season is the Fall.   If we could bottle the crisp, clear days of October for 12 months of the year, we'd probably not be having to have this update.   But it's more than just the weather that drives this change.  It's back to school, back to the office, and back to the daily grind that helps shape the "need" for a country...

Autumn 2018 Market Update

Recent Activity in Virginia's Wine and Hunt Country The regional real estate market has not changed much from the Spring 2018 season.   What is apparent, however, as we head into the prime buying season of September, October, and November, is that our market is starting to segregate more clearly along geographic (specifically county) lines.   While the market has a whole has not changed much with...

10 Ways Country Real Estate is Different than City Real Estate

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